What To Know When Looking For A Motorcycle Repair Shop Near You

Finding a shop with impressive customer feedback can save you a big headache in the long run. Begin with a quick Google search for motorcycle repair in your area, keeping in mind how far you’re willing to travel to get your bike fixed. Check out Yelp, Google Reviews, or any other review platform you trust (several social media sites host reviews, too, so pick the one you think is best) and start at the top.

More than just checking out the star ratings of a potential repair shop, you should read the reviews and see what customers are saying. Look for mentions of the type of work you’re getting done, and see if there are any customers who’ve had similar mechanical work done at your shop — it’s especially encouraging to see a review where other customers have had the same problem on the same model bike, and things went well for them. If your shop does good work, be sure to post your own positive review. It helps repair shops get new business — especially independent shops or mechanics that deal with ultra-specific niches.

Never underestimate the advice of a good friend, either. Ask your riding buddies where they get their motorcycle work done and who their contact is at a shop. Word of mouth is a form of review, too — maybe the oldest kind.

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